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Who Am I?

Who am I? I'm a self confessed Geek who loves to be trying out anything new. I have three grown up children and three grandchildren. 
I bought my very first computer for home use about seven years ago, a Dell. It had XP as the operating system and this Gran was determined to learn everything I could about it. Armed with books including XP for Dummies, I sat down and taught myself everything. 
Next I became adventurous and tried out some of the Linux distros. Nice steep learning curve there, especially how to dual boot AND get myself back to square one!
I then followed that up by testing Vista, which proved to be interesting seeing as most of my equipment wouldn't work with it as no one had issued any drivers. Another big learning curve, but I do like a challenge!

It's not just computers though that interest me, its all technology. I have beta tested personal video recorders and loved that, I try to save up for the latest AV equipment. I also love playing role playing games and own a PS3 and a Xbox 360. The 40 inch Samsung TV is hooked up to a Sony surround system and I have Freesat and Freeview PVR's. 
My family know how much of a Geek I am and find me handy whenever they need help with computers or buying a TV and hooking everything up. I've always loved new equipment, its the challenge of setting it all up and learning how to use it that I most enjoy. I also love using universal remotes and the current one for the lounge set up is a Harmony One. I'm a frequent poster on AvForums and also Digital Spy, which I joined way back in the OnDigital days. 
I also love reading, walking, steam trains, photography, blogging and making other people laugh. I live in a tiny flat with my Down's Syndrome daughter in West Yorkshire. Online I try to help other users who maybe are new to computing by writing how-to's that I hope they find helpful. 
And that's about it!